Der Abschlussworkshop des Projekts Dänisch als Nachbarsprache (dans): Aussprachekompetenz im schulischen Dänischunterricht (2015–2018) wird am 21. und 22. März 2019 unter dem Titel Nordic Research on Accent, Acceptability and Acquisition (NordAc³) stattfinden. Dabei geht es besonders um
- current empirical findings:
- Which perspectives on L2 pronunciation, including the use of listener ratings, are being discussed in current studies?
- Which fundamental implications for teaching purposes can be drawn from recent L2 pronunciation studies?
- methodological aspects:
- How can different dimensions of pronunciation (especially acceptability) be defined and measured?
- How can the mutual influence of different dimensions be measured, e.g. the influence of accent on acceptability?
- the relevance of research on L2 pronunciation for teaching:
- What do teachers need to know? What should we teach teachers?
- Which aspects of L2 pronunciation in general and which language-specific phenomena in particular should be part of teacher education?
Eine ausführliche Beschreibung findet sich im Call for papers.