- New website about DCxGA new website about Diasystematic Construction Grammar is available online at dcxg.org. The website contains a more or less up-to-date DCxG bibliography, a glossary that provides basic definitions of key concepts, and an overview of research using DCxG. I hope you’ll find it useful – and if so, please let me know if you have … Read more
- Dissertation: South Schleswig DanishIn June 2023, Sabrina Goll successfully defended her dissertation Südschleswigdänisch. Strukturelle Bestandsaufnahme aus dialektologischer Perspektive (South Schleswig Danish. A structural survey from a dialectological perspective). Her work is the first to systematically examine the question of how grammatical features of South Schleswig Danish – the non-standard variety used by the Danish minority in South Schleswig … Read more
- New publications: Constructional Approaches to Nordic languages & The Devil is in the schemaA new volume that co-edited by me and my colleagues from the University of Gothenburg has just been published: This volume presents a number of recent studies on Scandinavian languages from a construction grammar perspective, covering a wide range of topics: from syntactic to phonological phenomena, from language change to language acquisition. My contribution is … Read more
- Online workshop on DCxGWe invite papers for an online workshop (1–2 June 2023) entitled Diasystematic Construction Grammar, what next? Current research and future prospects. You can find more information here.
- Article: South Jutlandic data from Wenker’s atlasMy latest paper (in Danish) has been published in Målbryting dealing with the potential of the South Jutlandic data collected for the German Wenker Atlas in the late 19th century. The material has long been dismissed as little useful in dialectology, but in fact it provides information about the extent to which contact-related grammatical features … Read more
- Paper, ICLaVE 11Together with Sabrina Goll and Nina Sternitzke, I presented a paper on the GrammArNord project at ICLaVE 11. The slides are available here.
- Constructions in the Nordics 3The third workshop in the series Constructions in the Nordics (CxGN) will be held at Kiel University, 19 and 20 September 2022. The workshop – which I am organising together with Anna Hagel, and Prentice – brings together construction grammarians from the Nordic countries as well as Nordic linguists from outside the Nordics. See the … Read more
- Successful grant: Language Contact Phenomena in Multilingual First Language AcquisitionThe German Research Foudation has accepted a proposal for a scientific network that I am part of. The network on Language Contact Phenomena in Multilingual First Language Acquisition has been proposed by (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf), (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) und (Leipzig University). It brings together scholars working in the fields of multilingualism and … Read more
- Constructions in the NordicsOn 16 and 17 November, the workshop on Constructions in the Nordics (CxGN), which I am organising together with colleagues from Gothenburg, will take place for the second time, after a first meeting in Kiel last year – this time, however, necessarily in an online format. The workshop brings together construction grammarians from the Nordic … Read more
- GrammArNord websiteThe GrammArNord project now has an updated website: grammarnord.de.
- GrammArNord project launchedDespite the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the project on Grammatical Areality in the Nordic Countries and Northern Germany (GrammArNord) was launched at the beginning of March. The project investigates grammatical similarities between Nordic and Northern German varieties from the perspective of areal and contact linguistics. Particular focus is placed on morphological and syntactic … Read more
- Constructions in the Nordics 1 (CxGN 1)The workshop Constructions in the Nordics 1 (CxGN 1) was held at Kiel University on the 24– 25 October 2019. This workshop gathered both constructionist researchers in the Nordic countries, regardless of what languages they are studying, and linguists applying constructionist approaches to any of the Nordic languages, regardless of where they are. Construction Grammar … Read more
- Job ad (2 Ph.D. positions, project GrammArNord)The Institute of Scandinavian Studies, Frisian Studies and General Linguistics at Kiel University (Scandinavian Linguistics, Prof. Dr. Steffen Höder), invites applications for two Ph.D. positions starting 1 March 2020, for a fixed-term period of three years. The positions are part-time (65 %, currently 25,155 hours/week) of level TV-L 13 of the federal wage agreement scheme (Tarifvertrag … Read more
- New publication: Constructions in ContactConstructions in Contact. Constructional perspectives on contact phenomena in Germanic languages (edited by Hans Boas and myself) is available as an e-book; the print version is expected in December 2018. This edited volume brings together contributions from scholars working on different language contact situations that involve Germanic languages. It also contains a new theoretical article … Read more
- Nordic Research on Accent, Acceptability and Acquisition (NordAc³)Nordic Research on Accent, Acceptability and Acquisition (NordAc³), the concluding workshop for the project Danish as a Neighbour Language (dans): Pronunciation Competence in Danish in German Schools (2015–2018), will be held in Kiel on 21–22 March 2019. The workshop focuses on current empirical findings: Which perspectives on L2 pronunciation, including the use of listener ratings, … Read more