
  • New website about DCxG
    A new website about Diasystematic Construction Grammar is available online at The website contains a more or less up-to-date DCxG bibliography, a glossary that provides basic definitions of key concepts, and an overview of research using DCxG. I hope you’ll find it useful – and if so, please let … Read more
  • Dissertation: South Schleswig Danish
    In June 2023, Sabrina Goll successfully defended her dissertation Südschleswigdänisch. Strukturelle Bestandsaufnahme aus dialektologischer Perspektive (South Schleswig Danish. A structural survey from a dialectological perspective). Her work is the first to systematically examine the question of how grammatical features of South Schleswig Danish – the non-standard variety used by the … Read more
  • New publications: Constructional Approaches to Nordic languages & The Devil is in the schema
    A new volume that co-edited by me and my colleagues from the University of Gothenburg has just been published: This volume presents a number of recent studies on Scandinavian languages from a construction grammar perspective, covering a wide range of topics: from syntactic to phonological phenomena, from language change to … Read more


October 1st, 2024
  • Sprechstunde


October 18th, 2024
  • Erstsemesterbegrüßung Skandinavistik/Dänisch
    10:0011:00 | LS8 227


September 26th, 2024
  • Europäischer Tag der Sprachen

October 3rd, 2024
  • Tag der Deutschen Einheit