In June 2023, Sabrina Goll successfully defended her dissertation Südschleswigdänisch. Strukturelle Bestandsaufnahme aus dialektologischer Perspektive (South Schleswig Danish. A structural survey from a dialectological perspective). Her work is the first to systematically examine the question of how grammatical features of South Schleswig Danish – the non-standard variety used by the Danish minority in South Schleswig – can be described and explained in a socio-cognitively plausible way. In doing so, Sabrina Goll combines structural analyses with contact linguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives and methodological approaches from contemporary dialectology with a theoretical foundation in construction grammar. Her results indicate that South Schleswig Danish exhibits a wide range of contact-related grammatical features, but that there is also considerable variation within the variety that cannot be easily explained by socio-demographic variables. The thesis has been nominated for the Faculty Prize of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Kiel University.